St. Anthony School

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3rd Grade

This year in third grade we have many fun things to look forward to. Through use of hands-on activities, group projects, and exploration, our students work to deepen their knowledge of our core subjects. One of our biggest projects is our Saints project. We work to expand our knowledge of our faith by picking a Saint to learn about and research during the fall. We also bring our knowledge and are able to share it with others by planning and dressing up at the All Saint's Day Mass in November. Another focus for third grade is the introduction of cursive writing, and subsequent practice, starting in January.
We are extremely grateful to have support for our students from our Instructional Aides, Learning Support Specialist, and School Counselor, both in and out of the classroom. Students participate in specialist classes including Library, Art, Computers, PE, and Music to round out their classroom learning. We work closely with our parents to help support each student and help them to grow in both faith and academics. Third grade is a wonderful year and we are excited to see you!
Our Third Grade Teachers
Mrs. Michelle Gramstad
3A Teacher
Ms. Elena Ver Valin
3B Teacher
Mrs. Gramstad   Photo coming soon...
  Our Third Grade Aides  
Mrs. Cristina Roni   Mrs. Elisa Dashel
Christina   Mrs. Dashel